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发表于 2019-7-14 17:07:47 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
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发表于 2019-7-24 08:55:47 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2019-7-24 11:07:07 | 显示全部楼层



了解Bode图非常重要。一些阀门将具有不同行程量的额定值。仅使用90%或更高的笔画评级。阀门的可用频率是阀门增益开始下降到0 db以下,而不是-3db。一些制造商使用相位滞后来指定阀门频率。使用相位滞后降至-45 db的频率。现在使用相位滞后频率和增益频率之间的最小频率。
可编程逻辑控制器太慢,无法有效地将脉冲宽度调制用于伺服电磁阀。伺服电磁阀应具有集成的电放大器,其将+/- 10伏转换为脉冲宽度调制电流信号至螺线管。除非应用非常简单,否则最好购买液压运动控制器并使用带集成放大器的伺服电磁阀。

First one must choose the right cylinder diameter because that will determine the valve size.  The motion trajectory must be known too.  If the maximum velocity is known, then it is possible to use the VCCM equation to calculate the flow constant.  From the flow constant has units like liters per minute per square root of the pressure drop.  The pressure drop for a servo valve is usually 70 bar, for both mouths, or 35 bar for one mouth.

I have a magazine article in Hydraulics & Pneumatics magazine coming soon.  It will be in English but hopefully our Chinese friend that translate my articles will translate this article.

The next parameter is the frequency response.  One must know how to read a Bode plot.   Valve manufacturers rate their valve too high.

It is important to understand Bode plots.  Some valves will have ratings for different amounts of stroke.  Only use the rating for strokes of 90% or more.  The usable frequency of the valve is where the valve gain starts to drop below 0 db, not -3db.   Some manufacturers use the phase lag to specify the valve frequency.  Use the frequency where the phase lag drops to -45 db.   Now use the minimum frequency between the phase lag frequency and the gain frequency.
Programmable Logic Controllers are too slow to effectively use pulse width modulation for servo solenoid valves. Servo solenoid valves should have an integrated electric amplifier that converts +/- 10 volts to a pulse width modulation current signal to the solenoid. Unless the application is very simple, it is best to buy a hydraulic motion controller and use servo solenoid valves with an integrated amplifier.


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发表于 2019-7-24 22:42:28 | 显示全部楼层
咨询个问题,现在有个系统,使用频率很低,2HZ, 负载质量很小,计算油缸及负载固有频率很高,约200HZ, 请教这时选多大频率的伺服阀好?选高频和低频对控制有什么影响?


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发表于 2019-7-27 00:58:24 | 显示全部楼层
蜻蜓 发表于 2019-7-24 22:42
咨询个问题,现在有个系统,使用频率很低,2HZ, 负载质量很小,计算油缸及负载固有频率很高,约200HZ, 请教 ...

#1。 如果系统使用频率为2 Hz,当使用具有速度和加速度前馈的PID时,液压缸和负载的固有频率仅需要大约4倍。 很大程度上取决于阻尼系数。 控制该系统应该没有问题。

#2。 是的,当阀门的频率接近液压缸的固有频率和负载时,应考虑阀门的传递函数。 阀门增加了更多的开环极。 控制器通常没有更多的控制器增益来放置极点。 解决此问题的最佳方法是使用另一个控制器来控制阀芯。 运动控制器将控制位置和速度,并将控制信号发送到阀芯控制器。 这是带有一个电路板电子设备的阀门,例如Bosch-Rexroth伺服电磁阀。

The questions are not clear to me.
#1.  If the system frequency of use is 2 Hz, the natural frequency of the hydraulic cylinder and load only need to be about 4 times higher when using a PID with velocity and acceleration feed forward.  Much depends on the damping factor.  There should be no problems controlling this system.

#2.  Yes, when the frequency of the valve is close to the natural frequency of the hydraulic cylinder and load, the transfer function of the valve should be considered.   The valve adds more open loop poles.  The controller usually doesn’t have more controller gains to place the poles.  The best way to solve this problem is to use another controller to control the valve spool.   The motion controller will control the position and velocity and send controlling signals to the valve spool controller.  This is what happens with valves with one board electronics like Bosch-Rexroth servo solenoid valves.


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发表于 2019-8-7 17:19:30 | 显示全部楼层
PEN 发表于 2019-7-24 11:07
首先必须选择合适的气缸直径,因为这将决定气门尺寸。运动轨迹也必须是已知的。如果已知最大速度,则可以使 ...


使用道具 举报

  • 打卡等级:偶尔看看
  • 打卡总天数:105
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发表于 2019-8-10 08:14:23 | 显示全部楼层
lus006 发表于 2019-8-7 17:19

液压缸速度决定流量。 阀芯的速度决定了阀门的响应速度。

The hydraulic cylinder speed determines flow.   The speed of the valve spool determines the how fast the valve can respond.

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