1. Is this a transfer function for velocity or position? What is the difference?
2. Is this transfer function critically damping, underdamped or over damped? Why?
3. What is the open loop gain?
4. What is the natural frequency?
5. What is the damping factor?
6. How many poles are there?
7. What is the location of the poles?
8. How does one determine the numbers 4 and 5? This is difficult.
There are no points or awards except that you can boast you got the answer right.
I am giving Zhangweiwei credit for number 5 because Zhangweiwei called Keci is the damping factor. 0.894.
zeta = 4/(2*sqrt(5))
zeta = 2/sqrt(5)=0.894
#7 is wrong. There is one pole at 0 but the two complex poles are wrong.
the two poles are at -2-i and -2+i.
The other way is to use the quadratic formula
-b +- sqrt(b^2-4*a*c)
x = -----------------------------
This is good though. At least there is one person that understands what I am saying and is brave enough to solve the test.
#8 is a questions for the teachers and text books. Text books and teachers show problems like the one I provided. In reality, the numbers for the transfer function are not provided. I have never seen a machine with a transfer function provided. Never!!!!
This is why the VCCM equation is important. The VCCM equation provides the open loop gain. There is an equation for the natrual freuqnecy. The damping factor can be estimated using the friction coefficient and dividing by the mass.
The damping factor, zeta, is difficult to estimate. Bosch-Rexroth assumes the damping factor is 0.33333 if it is unknown. I do too.
I have found that the damping factor is usually between 0.3 and 0.4.
However if the mass is big relative to the cylinder diameter I will assume a smaller number.
The VCCM equation calculates the maximum steady state velocity. This assumes the valve is wide open at 100%. The open loop gain is the maximum steady state velocity at 100%. If the maximum steady state velocity is 700mm/s then I usually convert that to 7mm/%control output.
Look at the 3rd equation from the bottom.
You should read the entire topic if you can read English
It is late here. I will explain more tomorrow.
还有一个问题, 如果不用Python进行液压缸模拟,用控制器和RMCTOOLS软件可否离线模拟?
No, the RMCTools must be connected to a RMC motion controller because the simulator is in the motion controller. The user programs are executed in the motion controller.
However, if you buy a RMC motion controller for a project, you can simulate the project at your desk. This is very helpful because the project can be almost done before commissioning.
The VCCM equation does not apply to force control. The open loop gain for position and velocity does not apply to pressure or force. The units are wrong. (mm/s)/%control output makes no sense for pressure or force control.
The formulas for force control are more complicated.
The open loop gain for force has units of (N/s)/%control output.
I will write about this later.
2 减速时关小阀口,阀口之后到油缸的容腔的压力低于空气分离压力,产生空穴。PS--(Aa*v/Kv)^2= 空气分离压力,产生气穴。是这样理解吗,从公式里看不出小口节流,液流速度增大引起的气穴。
The formula should be Ps-((Aa*v)/(Kv*xs))^2
Kv assumes the spool is at 100%. The spool position is xs. xs is a number between -1 and 1. When xs = 1 the valve provides 100% flow. When the xs=0.5 the flow is 50%. If the valve is closes to 10% then xs=0.1. Now it is possible that Ps-((Aa*v)/(Kv*xs))^2<=0 and cavitation will occur.
It is possible to access a RMC75E over the internet. It has a URL of rmc70.deltamotion.com
Try using ping to check if you can access the RMC75E.
The access may be a little slow. Also, sometimes two people try to use the RMC75E at the same time and they write over each other’s programs.
This question is not clear to me.
Do you mean the control output voltage?
The picture of the motion shows the control output voltage in green.
Or do you mean the command to start a motion?
I also posted a picture of the user program that is running now.
Do you have RMCTools installed?
The on-line help is very good.
Download 64 bit RMCTools
I will explain how to connect to rmc70.deltamotion.com
I spent the day making a metric version of the programs.
Cavitation will occur between 0-1 atmosphere. Cavitation will occur when the valve reduces flow to quickly. There is a formula for this.
Many press machines will cavitate when when reducing speed after moving down. There are ways to avoid cavitation.