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发表于 2018-8-23 09:07:46 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
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 楼主| 发表于 2018-8-23 09:09:25 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2018-8-23 11:11:39 | 显示全部楼层
SSI是最好的。 SSI可提供1微米的分辨率。
启动停止和PWM是次佳选择。 分辨率约为12微米。
0-10v或4-20ma非常糟糕。 使用0-10v或4-20ma没有区别。 我在上一个主题中已经解释过为什么0-10v或4-20ma不好。

我总是推荐SSI。 无论是二进制代码还是格雷代码都没有区别。 没有优势。

SSI的问题是PLC通常没有SSI输入卡。 如果没有120-240MHz范围内的非常快速的计数器,则启动停止和PWM很难实现。

我/我们是20世纪90年代末期SSI的早期采用者。 一家名为Stegmann的德国公司发明了SSI。 当SSI向我解释时,我可以看到它是未来的技术。

使用道具 举报

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发表于 2018-8-23 11:42:34 | 显示全部楼层
PEN 发表于 2018-8-23 11:11
SSI是最好的。 SSI可提供1微米的分辨率。
启动停止和PWM是次佳选择。 分辨率约为12微米。
0-10v或4-20ma ...


使用道具 举报

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发表于 2018-8-23 12:24:45 | 显示全部楼层


0-10伏和4 = 20ma MTD棒在收到最后一个脉冲后不久发送起始脉冲。脉冲不是定期发送的。这意味着无法计算速度。当发送脉冲时,斜坡电路以恒定速率增加电容器上的电压。返回脉冲到达的时间越长,控制器充电的电压就越大。当返回脉冲到达时,控制器不再充电。这是测量的电压。


The cheapest version should be start stop.  All other versions require extra circuitry.
The basic operation is sending a pulse down the rod at the speed near the speed of light.  A counter needs to start counting at very high frequencies when the pulse is sent.   When the pulse reaches the magnet it causes a twist in the wave guide that travels back.  It is the time it takes the twist to travel back to the transmitter that is measured with a high speed counter.

The next advantage of the start stop is that the motion controller controls when the pulse is sent down the rod.  This is very important because if the motion controller controls when the data is captured it can measure the time between the data and the speed and acceleration.

0-10 volt and 4=20ma MTD rods sent the start pulse soon after the last pulse is recieved.  The pulses are not sent at regular intervals.  This means it is impossible to computer the velocity.   When the pulse is sent, a ramp circuits increases the voltage on a capacitor at constant rate.  The longer it takes the return pulse to arrive, the more the voltage on the capictor charge.  When the return pulse arrives, the capictor is no longer charged.  This is the voltage that is measured.

Back in the 1980s we made circuits that would simulate a MTS sensor and cylinder for debugging.   Now we use software simulators.


使用道具 举报

  • 打卡等级:初来乍到
  • 打卡总天数:55
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 楼主| 发表于 2018-8-23 14:36:43 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 Use 于 2018-8-23 15:03 编辑



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发表于 2018-8-27 01:12:18 | 显示全部楼层

脉冲以接近光速的速度沿波导向下传播。当脉冲撞击活塞末端的磁场时,波导会扭曲。扭曲行程约为2800米/秒。 2.8米/毫秒或2.8毫米/微秒。必须使用高速计数器。如果高速计数器的计数为280 MHz,则分辨率为10微米。今天可以计入2.8 GHz以达到1微米的分辨率,但这不是它的完成方式。



早期的SSI棒存在问题。我与Tempsonic争论不休。 Temposonic声称他们有5或10微米的分辨率。我说除非运动控制器控制何时发送脉冲,否则分辨率是无用的。 Temposonic不得不倾听,因为Delta Computer Systems在北美生产了许多液压伺服控制器。最后问题得以解决。巴鲁夫紧随其后。




0 - 000
1 - 001
2 - 010两位改变
3 - 011
4 - 100三位改变
5- 101
6 - 110两位改变
7 - 111
0 -000三位改变


0 - 000
1 - 001
2- 011
3 - 010
4- 110
5 -111
0 - 000

YSX has done a pretty good job of explaining.

The pulse travels down the wave guide at near the speed of light.  When the pulse hits the magnetic field on the end of the piston the wave guide, the wave guide twists.  The twist travels at about 2800 m/s.  2.8 m/ms or 2.8 mm/microsecond.  A high speed counter must be used.  If the high speed counter counts at 280 MHz the resolution will be 10 microns.   Today it is possible to count at 2.8 GHz to achieve 1 micron resolution but that isn't the way its done.

Delta has figured out how to count at these high frequencies but there is a problem with doing it in the motion controller.   The pulses get rounded off as they travel through the wire making the results noisy.   It is best that counting be done in the transmitter of the MTS or Balluff sensor head where the pulses not rounded.

Another critical issue for motion control is that the pulses are sent down the rod at deterministic intervals.  This way the motion controller can use the last two positions and divide the difference by the scan time to calculate the speed.  It is easy to control when the pulses are sent when using the start stop method of getting positions.

Early SSI rods had problems.  I got into arguments with Tempsonic.  Temposonic  claimed they had 5 or 10 micron resolution.  I said the resolution was useless unless the motion controller controls when the pulse is sent.   Temposonic had to listen because Delta Computer Systems made so many of the hydraulic servo controllers in North America.  Finally the problem was worked out.  Balluff followed.

I do not like analog MDT ( Magnetostrictive displacement transducers ) because the motion controller does not know when the pulses are being sent.   Analog slides are OK because they are just voltage dividers.

Gray code is a code where only one bit can change from number to number


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