楼主: 蜻蜓


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发表于 2018-4-25 05:51:34 | 显示全部楼层

以1 Hz加速5Kg很容易。然而活塞和杆的重量可能比这更重。

AreaAvg = 16 * PI ^ 2_Hz ^ 2 * CylLen *质量/ b

如果您认为机械弹簧是线性的,则会有一个反作用力F(x)= k * x,其中x是弹簧被推动的距离。春天也有质量。必须计算机械弹簧的质量。压缩机械弹簧的经验法则是使用1/3的机械弹簧质量,因为并非所有的弹簧都以相同的速度移动。如果弹簧是线性的,这个假设是完美的。





dragonfly, your calculation for peak acceleration is correct.

Accelerating 5Kg at 1 Hz is easy.   However the piston and rod probably weight more than that.

I use the simple formula for natrual frequency to calculate the average piston area.
AreaAvg =  16*PI^2_Hz^2*CylLen*mass/b
AreaAvg is the average piston area.  Round up to the next cylinder size.
Cylen is the cylinder length
b is the bulk moduls of oil.

When the actuator is the part that is being deformed it must be treated as a mechanical spring.
If you assume the mechanical spring is linear there will be an opposing force F(x)=k*x where x is the distance the spring is being pushed.   The spring also has mass.  The mass of the mechanical spring must be calculated.   A good rule of thumb for compressing mechanical springs is to use 1/3 the mechanical spring mass because not all the spring is being moved at the same rate.  This assumption is perfect if the spring is linear.

Iinitially the question was about sizing the cylinder.   The cylinder size will be determined by the required force.

I am converting Mathcad worksheets from British to metric units.

The simple answer is yes, the RMC75 can easily test at much higher frequencys.
There is a recent topic about the RMC being used for testing.
The RMC75 can update at 4Khz.  The calculations are theoretically perfect.  The electrons move at almost the speed of light.  The limitations are only in the hydraulic and mechanical design.

Sometime I should write a small program to play music.  That requires generating very high frequencies.  Audio speakers can move faster than hydraulic valves.
I think 'Ode to Joy' would be a good start because the timing is easy.


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 楼主| 发表于 2018-4-25 21:40:20 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 蜻蜓 于 2018-4-25 23:00 编辑

Thanks to the rangersand the pen warrior.
Consult pump flow andaccumulator flow.
Taking sinusoidalloading as an example, the flow of oil cylinder demand is sinusoidal change, sohow to determine the pump flow is reasonable. Is it selected according to thepeak flow rate of the oil cylinder or the average flow? What is the percentageof the oil pump's flow rate of oil cylinder peak flow? If the pump flow is lessthan the peak flow rate of the oil cylinder, then this becomes a reasonablechoice of accumulator capacity.
A math problem:
Based on the datathat I started to put forward, calculate pump flow and accumulator capacity (orflow rate), so that the system overflow valve can maintain system pressureconstant according to minimum overflow flow. (how much pump flow andaccumulator flow can make the system overflow valve overflow in a loop atleast, and keep the system pressure constant.)
Thanks for theRangers and pen
Ask for pump flow andaccumulator flow
Taking sinusoidalloading as an example, the flow rate of oil cylinder is sinusoidal, so how todetermine the flow rate of oil pump is reasonable. Is it selected according tothe peak flow of oil cylinder or by the average flow rate? How much is thepercentage of the oil pump flow to the peak flow rate of the oil cylinder? Ifthe flow rate of the oil pump is less than the peak flow rate of the cylinder,this will become a reasonable choice of the accumulator capacity.
A mathematicalproblem:
At the beginning ofthe data, the pump flow and accumulator capacity (or flow) are calculated, sothat the system overflow valve can maintain the constant pressure of the systemaccording to the minimum flow rate. (how much pump flow and accumulator flowcan make the overflow valve of the system minimum flow in a cycle, and ensurethe constant pressure of the system).
负载力就像压缩弹簧一样, 在接触时,弹簧施加零力,当弹簧被压缩时,它施加10吨力。
Add a little bit
the load force is like compressing aspring,, At contact the spring exerts zero force and when the spring iscompressed it exerts 10 tons of force。


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 楼主| 发表于 2018-4-25 21:52:14 | 显示全部楼层
PEN 发表于 2018-4-25 05:51

以1 Hz加速5Kg很容易。然而活塞和杆的重量可能比这更重。

Pen teacher
I have seen large loading testing machines.The quality of samples is very large and the quality cannot be ignored.
In the loading system, how to estimate theload quality m?
What is the mechanical spring?
1 third of the total mass of the spring,right?
2. 1/3 of the mass of x part of thecompression?
3. The mass of the compression quantity xpart?
1/3 the mechanical spring does not show thedifference in compression. Suppose the linear spring compresses the spring by1mm and compresses 1cm, does it have the same load mass?

Teacher Pen
I have seen large loading test machine, thequality of sample is very large, and the quality can not be ignored.
How can the load quality m be estimated inthe loading system?
What is 1/3 the mechanical spring?
1 1/3 of the total mass of spring?
2 1/3 of partial mass of X compressionquantity?
3 the mass of the X portion of thecompression quantity?
1/3 the mechanical spring does not reflectthe difference in compression. Suppose that the linear spring will compress thespring 1mm with the compression 1cm and the load mass m?


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发表于 2018-4-26 01:51:22 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 PEN 于 2018-4-26 01:54 编辑

如果执行器遇到可压缩阻塞(机械弹簧,测试片),则必须将F(x)= ks * x添加到微分方程中。 :(
IF(x <= x0)
     m*x''+d*x'+k*x=Pa(t)*Aa-Pb(t)*Ab                            // actuator is moving freely
ELSE    (m+ms/3)*x''+d*x'+k*x=Pa(t)*Aa-Pb(t)*Ab - ks(x-x0)   // actuator is obstructed



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 楼主| 发表于 2018-4-26 07:18:30 | 显示全部楼层
PEN 发表于 2018-4-26 01:51
如果执行器遇 ...

谢谢,可以理解,如果知道K 或者d中的一个,我应该能够通过实验测算出这个m。
Thank you, you can understand, if you know one of the K's or d's, I should be able to figure out the m by the experiment.
The question of dragonfly 22# is the theme I want to know. How does the servo load system pump and the accumulator flow match? Is it energy efficient?

Thank you, Mr. pen. You can understand that if I know one of K or D, I should be able to calculate this m by experiment.
The problem of dragonfly 22# is the theme I want to know. How does the servo loading system match the pump and accumulator flow? Is it reasonable? Is it energy efficient?

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发表于 2018-4-26 14:08:32 | 显示全部楼层
蜻蜓 发表于 2018-4-26 07:18
谢谢,可以理解,如果知道K 或者d中的一个,我应该能够通过实验测算出这个m。
蜻蜓22#的问题是我想知道 ...



参与人数 1金钱 +2 收起 理由
蜻蜓 + 2 160.27吗?单位是什么?我算的是峰值加速度.



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发表于 2018-4-27 00:00:33 | 显示全部楼层


在#1中,系统压力为160巴。通过转动压缩泵中弹簧的螺钉调节压力。泵在160巴时不会产生流量。在泵将提供全流量之前,压力必须下降10%-20%。泵基本上只有P控制,并且响应时间很慢。该泵可以产生160 bar的0 LPM,150 bar的50 LPM和140 bar的100 LPM。如果流量需要75 bar,压力将从160 bar降至145 bar。

160 bar的操作压力还是无流量压力?

The cylinder size must be calculated before the accumulator and valve size.

The pump needs to supply just a little more flow than the average requirement.
The accumulator will even out the flow demand on the pump.  During the sinusoidal motion there are periods when the flow is less than average.  During this time the accumulator will fill.   There are also times when the pump will not supply enough oil so the accumulator will supply the oil the pump does not.   The volume of oil or gas in the accumulator will change during a cycle.   The accumulator must be charged so the volume of gas does not change by more than 10% so the pressure stays constant within 10%.

The accumulator allows the pump to run at a more constant speed.
In the #1 the system pressure is 160 bar.   The pressure is adjust by turning a screw that compresses a spring in the pump.   The pump will generate no flow at 160 bar.  The pressure must drop by 10%-20% before the pump will supply full flow.   The pump is basicly P only control and has a slow response time.   The pump may generate 0 LPM at 160 bar,  50 LPM at 150 bar, and 100 LPM at 140 bar.   If the flow require ment is 75 bar the pressure will drop from 160 bar to 145 bar.

So is 160 bar the operational pressure or the no flow pressure?


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发表于 2018-4-27 02:33:28 | 显示全部楼层
面积= max(((v2 ^ 2 * F1-V1 ^ 2 * F2)/(v2 ^ 2-v1 ^ 2))/ Ps,16 * PI ^ 2 * Hz ^ 2 * CylLen *质量/β)


The following equation calculates the area of the piston.   This calculation needs to be once for each direction.
The cylinder area must meet two conditions.  The force must be high enough to move the mass at the desired velocity and acceleration.  The natural frequency should be about 4 times the frequency of acceleration.  The maximum area should be used to look into a table to find the next biggest cylinder size.
Area = max( ((v2^2*F1-V1^2*F2)/(v2^2-v1^2))/Ps, 16*PI^2*Hz^2*CylLen*mass/β)
The first part of the equation uses the velocity and force at two points during the motion to calculate the required area.  The supply pressure is also required.   Too many hydraulic designers try to minimize the area of the piston by increasing the supply pressure.   The second part of the equation calculate the area necessary to achieve a natural frequency four times greater than the frequency of acceleration.

This formula works if there aren't any obstructions to the motion.
It is easy to calculate the velocity and acceleration at two points in the motion profile.
For a sine wave calculate the velocity and acceleration at 30 and 60 degree.   To calculate the force the mass must be multiplied by the acceleration and any friction or load do to gravity must also be added.


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 楼主| 发表于 2018-4-27 08:02:15 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 蜻蜓 于 2018-4-27 08:38 编辑
PEN 发表于 2018-4-27 00:00


The cylinder size must be calculated before theaccumulator and valve size.
So is 160 bar the operational pressure or the no flowpressure?
The cylinder size must be calculated before The accumulatorand valve size.
Yes, should calculate first, this oil cylinder area after thepost says.
So is 160 bar the operational pressure or the no flowpressure?
My initial selection is the quantitative pump, which is thesystem pressure. I can also increase the pressure to 210bar, as a convenientway to explain the problem.
You are talking about the constant pressure variable pump,the system can choose the variable pump, also can choose the fixed quantitypump.
How much is the percentage of pump flow per peak flow?
I understand:
Peak flow + overflow valve overflow = accumulator flow + pumpflow.
Pump flow = oil cylinder peak flow * "coefficienta"
I want to know how this coefficient is selected andcalculated.
I understand that the coefficient should be between 0.5 and1, the high frequency system has a large coefficient, and the low frequencysystem has a small coefficient.
consult: how do you determine the "flow coefficienta" of the pump and the variable pump, or the more accurate calculationmethod?


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发表于 2018-4-27 08:51:22 | 显示全部楼层

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