Servo valve resolution is infinite but valves have hysteresis and small overlap so they may not respond to small changes in the control signal.
The digital controller does not have infinite resolution output. Some have 12 bit output. -2048 to 2047 counts = -10 to +10 volts. Some have 16 bit output. -32768 to 32767 counts = -10 to + 10 volts. The larger the range in counts the finer the output resolution. RMC use -32768 to 32767 for -10 to + 10 volts. Resolution is about 0.0003 volts. This is much finer than the hysteresis of the valve.
The attachment is 4wrte Hysteresis。In the manual the Hysteresis is 0.1%,That means the Minimum resolution is 10V*0.001=0.01V?
When select the analog out module,the resolution should be 10 times, 0.001V?
That means 13 bits output is enough,Is that right?