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bauma China 2014: 进入商贸配对系统 邀约展商不再愁

发表于 2014-11-6 16:19:07 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
bauma China 2014: 进入商贸配对系统 邀约展商不再愁
为回馈广大展商及观众长期以来的支持与关注,bauma China一直致力于不断提升展会服务和参会效果, 2014年主办方特别推出bauma China商贸配对系统,对所有展商及预登记观众免费开放,便于观众在展前浏览展商信息并提前约见感兴趣的展商,制定参观计划,实现高效观展。
通过bauma China商贸配对系统,您可以轻松做到:
- 查询本届展商名单,了解展商介绍、展位号
- 通过“关键字”“产品类别”,迅速锁定您感兴趣的展商
- 提前在线预约,现场深入洽谈,有效提高您的参观效率
1.      请点击此链接m.b-china.cn登录
2.      已在线预登记的观众:填写“注册邮箱”和“预登记号”
3.      未在线预登记的观众:点击“观众免费预登记”,首先完成在线预登记,获取预登记号,再进行观众登录

bauma China 2014: 进入商贸配对系统 邀约展商不再愁

bauma China 2014: 进入商贸配对系统 邀约展商不再愁


bauma China 2014: 进入商贸配对系统 邀约展商不再愁

bauma China 2014: 进入商贸配对系统 邀约展商不再愁

1.      通过“关键字”“产品类别”,搜索相关展商名单
2.      点击某一家展商,查看展商详细信息
3.      如果感兴趣,可以先 “关注该展商”,便于随时在“我的关注”中找到该展商信息
4.      点击某一家展商,进行展商预约,选择“预约日期”、“预约时间”(最多可提交3个),选择“约见目的”“洽谈对象”,也可以填写“其他要求”,完成后点击确认预约
5.      您可以在系统菜单“进行中的预约”中查看预约结果
6.      若邀约成功,您可以在系统中“我的预约”中导出预约列表用于现场参观约见
7.      若邀约失败,您可以再选择其他感兴趣的展商进行邀约
欢迎您使用bauma China商贸配对系统,也欢迎您提出使用该系统的意见和建议!如有任何问题或信息,通过微信(微信号:baumachina)联系我们。
预祝您在bauma China 2014斩获成功!
baumaChina 2014项目组
bauma China 2014: BusinessMatchmaking, easy to meet the right exhibitor
baumaChina is always devoted itself to the improvement of exhibition service andshow effect. Grateful for the constant support and care of the exhibitors andvisitors, bauma China 2014 launched the brand new service, BusinessMatchmaking. It is FREE for all thepre-registered visitors, to view the exhibitors information, appoint withthe interested exhibitors, make your visit plan in advance more efficiently.
Advantages at a glance
- Searchthe exhibitor information easily by “Key words” and “Product”
- Online appointment in advance with the exhibitors and well plan your visitwith full preparation
A few clicks into the system
1.      Click the link: www.b-china.cn/en/matchmaking
2.      Pre-registeredvisitors: fill up“Email” and “RegisterCode”, and click the button “Visitor Login”
3.      Non-registeredvisitors: Clickthe button “Visitor Register” to finish thepre-registration first and then repeat the 2 steps above

bauma China 2014: 进入商贸配对系统 邀约展商不再愁

bauma China 2014: 进入商贸配对系统 邀约展商不再愁
Easy to appoint with exhibitors

bauma China 2014: 进入商贸配对系统 邀约展商不再愁

bauma China 2014: 进入商贸配对系统 邀约展商不再愁

How to use the system
1.      Searchthe exhibitors by “Key words” and “Product”
2.      Clickone exhibitor to view its details
3.      Ifyou are interested in one exhibitor, you can click the button “Add to My Favorite List”, and later you can easilyfind the exhibitor in “My Favourite
4.      Clickan exhibitor to make the appointment: propose the dateand time (3 at most), choose “Purpose”,“who want to talk”, write “message”, and at last click “Create Request”
5.      Youcan view the status of appointment in “My matchmaking
6.      Ifthe appointment is confirmed, you can export the active appointment in “My Appointments”to excel
7.      Ifthe appointment is cancelled, you can find other interested exhibitors tocreate a request of appointment.
Welcome to use bauma China BusinessMatchmaking and your suggestions are really appreciated! If there is anyenquiry, please contact:
Ms. Beryl Zhao
MMI (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
Tel: +86-21-2020 5542
Wish you a great success at bauma China2014!
Happy National Day of China and bestwishes!
MMI (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
bauma China 2014 Project team

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