bauma China2014: 《展前预览》带您抢先看新品 bauma China 2014还有一个多月就将拉开大幕,目前各项准备工作热火朝天,全然盖过了渐浓的寒意。3,000多家展商的展示产品和搭建方案基本都已确定。截止到10月9日,我们收到了271家展商提交的展前预览资料,通过整合排版,主办方制作完成了bauma China 2014《展前预览》电子资料,详细列明了展商的公司名称、展位号、公司网址、参展展品、产品图片、合作意向等。 从目前收到的展商展前预览资料来看,今年的展品将以更注重市场需求出发推出的企业自身拳头产品的展示。很多新品将在bauma China 2014 首发,如液压挖掘机、超大型客货两用施工升降机、多功能履带打桩机、减速机和减速电机(最大扭矩可以达到3 百万牛米)、最新的斜齿轮、直角轴系列产品等等。而这只是现场新品实物展示的冰山一角。 海量合作需求等您来 通过对展商合作意向的统计, 32.4%的展商给出比较概括的意向“寻找客户”:比如:工程机械、重型设备、矿山机械、汽车、铁路、航空、船舶等行业的客户;建筑机械,液压元件;风电行业、轨道交通、冶金行业、造纸行业、建筑骨料供应商、承包商,电厂;车桥、油缸、变速箱;露天采石场、隧道挖掘、大型水泥厂、建筑物拆除与物料再生;水泥管厂,水泥制品厂,市政部门,政府部门等 23.9%的展商寻求代理商和经销商 18.2%的展商主要做产品展示与市场推广 15.8%的展商寻找厂家:比如:主机厂家、工程机械零配件厂、国内外各大齿轮制造厂、变速箱厂、装载机挖掘机厂、农业机械整机生产商、水泥搅拌车生产厂家、滑轮、吊钩、抓斗等厂家,军工类特种车辆生产单位、对静液压传动系统、硬质合金制品有需求的厂商等 14.2%的展商寻找合作伙伴:比如:港口、码头等基础建设承办方,基础建筑工程承包商,自主建筑商,机械行业贸易公司等;任何有关深基础施工的机械及备件的技术问题,生产流程,施工工艺,代加工等项目的合作等 其他还有寻找承包商、OEM、贸易公司、批发商、售后服务商、租赁商等。 轻松查找展品资料 《展前预览》涉及展商信息众多,为方便观众轻松查询,所有展商资料按照字母顺序排列。您可以通过以下3种方式快速找到您感兴趣的信息: 1. 目录查询:目录页面按照公司首字母排序,点击每个大写字母可以快速链接到该首字母所对应的公司页面;
bauma China 2014: 《展前预览》带您抢先看新品
2. 书签链接:工具栏书签同样是以字母顺序排列的,点击每个大写字母可以快速链接到该首字母所对应的公司页面,书签还可以直接链接到展前预览目录页;
bauma China 2014: 《展前预览》带您抢先看新品
3. 搜索功能:用最基本的Ctrl+F搜索关键字,轻松找到目标展商或展品。 bauma China 2014, 11月25-28日来上海新国际博览中心挖掘“冰山”的全貌,感受整个工程机械行业的坚韧与期望! bauma China 2014: Show Previewfor an overview of New Exhibits There is almost one month away the openingof bauma China 2014. All the preparation is in full swing. The weather iscolder, but the enthusiasm of all the participants is greater. So far, morethan 3,000 exhibitors’ products and constructing plans have been basicallyconfirmed. Until 9 October, we have received 271 exhibitors’ preview materials.Organizer has finished the electronic edition for bauma China 2014 Show Previewafter integration and layout which lists all the information of exhibitors,such as company’s name, booth number, official website, exhibits, productpictures and cooperation intentions. According to the exhibitors’ preview beingreceived so far, lots of exhibitors pay more attention on their own competitiveproducts in future display, which are more suitable for the market demand. Morenew products will be launched in bauma China 2014, suchas hydraulic excavators, heavy goods and passenger construction hoist, Multi-functionalcrawler piling machine, speed reducer and gear motors (extended range up to 3,000,000Nm), helical and right angle products. However, these are only the corner oficeberg compared to the whole onsite new products. Huge cooperation demand awaits you onsite According to the statistics for exhibitors’cooperation intentions, 32.4% exhibitors gave us general intention “ looking forcustomers”: for example, customers from theindustries of construction machinery, heavy equipment, mining machinery,automobile, railway, aviation, and shipping; building machinery, hydrauliccomponents; wind power industry, rail transit, metallurgical industry,papermaking industry, building aggregate suppliers, contractors, power plants;axle, oil cylinder, gearbox; surface rock quarrying, excavation, tunneling,artificial sand manufacturing, recycling and civil engineering; concrete pipe factory,concrete production factory, municipal departments and government departments. 23.9% exhibitors are looking for agents and dealers 18.2% exhibitors mainly focus on products display andmarket promotion 15.8% exhibitors are looking for manufacturers, such as the host machine manufacturers, construction machineryaccessory factories, gear manufacturers at home and abroad, the gearboxfactories, loaders mining factories agricultural machinery machinemanufacturers, concrete mixer manufacturer, sheave, hooks and grabmanufacturers, the military special vehicle production units, and othermanufacturers demand on hydrostatic transmission system and hard metals. 14.2% exhibitors are looking for cooperation partners, such as infrastructure organizers in port and pier, basicconstruction engineering contractors, independent contractors, commercialcompany in machinery industry; project cooperation on any other technicalproblems of machinery and spare parts in deep foundation construction, productionprocess, and construction technology. Others include looking for contractors, OEM,commercial companies, dealers, after-sales service and renters. Easy to search exhibits in detail bauma China 2014 Show Preview involves lotsof exhibitors’ information, in order to easily search for all visitors, all theinformation are listed in order from A to Z. You can quickly search the information youare interested in by the following 3 ways. 4. Contents searching: contents page are in order by company’s initial, click on eachcapital you can quickly link into the corresponding page.
bauma China 2014: 《展前预览》带您抢先看新品
5. Bookmark link: bookmark in tool bar is also in alphabetical order, click on everycapital then you can quickly link into the corresponding page of company.Besides bookmarks can directly link into the contents page.
bauma China 2014: 《展前预览》带您抢先看新品
6. Search function: search key words by pressing Ctrl +F, easily find the targetedexhibitors or exhibits. bauma China 2014, please do come over toShanghai new international expo center to see the latest development andexpectations of the whole construction machinery industry!