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发表于 2024-8-23 10:08:15 | 显示全部楼层
分辨率取决于编码器。绝对 20 位编码器每转可以有 1048580 个计数。每转可以获得更多计数。
RMC 的优势在于它具有前馈,因此运动轨迹和实际运动之间没有滞后。很大程度上取决于转动的惯量和速度。数字气缸没有前馈,它们只有一个机械固定的比例增益,因此无法更改以适应不同的惯性。RMC 可以更快地移动更重的负载而不会超调。有很多好的伺服阀。真正的问题是电机内的摩擦。

Resolution depends on the encoder. An absolute 20 bit encoder can have 1048580 counts per revolution. You can get more counts per revolution.
The advantage of an RMC is that it has feed forward so there is no lag between the motion profile and the actual motion. A lot depends on the inertia and speed of the rotation. Digital cylinders have no feed forward, they only have a mechanically fixed proportional gain so it cannot be changed to accommodate different inertias. RMCs can move heavier loads faster without overshooting. There are many good servo valves. The real problem is the friction within the motor.

使用道具 举报

  • 打卡等级:初来乍到
  • 打卡总天数:50
  • 打卡总奖励:50
发表于 2024-8-28 22:42:21 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

  • 打卡等级:偶尔看看
  • 打卡总天数:105
  • 打卡总奖励:319
发表于 2024-8-29 14:37:20 | 显示全部楼层

在没有反馈的情况下,您如何知道数字气缸是否准确。您只能希望数字电机或气缸按照您想要的方式运行。RMC 可以使用 Balluff 或 Temponic 杆,反馈分辨率为 0.1 微米。我过去曾展示过进行精细控制的视频。是的,我们有特殊的算法,这些算法考虑了固有频率、阻尼系数以及液压执行器是两个弹簧之间的质量这一事实,而不像电机,因此必须增强算法,使其优于电机中使用的 PID。这就是 RMC 运动控制器的特别之处。 RMC 运动控制具有“自动调谐”或自动优化功能,可轻松计算控制器增益。
deltamotion.com/peter/Videos/Optimizing Gain- Chinese.mp4

我仅需大约 1 分钟即可优化液压执行器。此视频花费的时间更长,因为 Gan 正在逐步解释所有内容。
请注意,RMC 知道执行器应该在哪里以及每毫秒或半毫秒的实际位置。RMC 具有以太网连接,因此可以实时监控所有内容。此外,我们最近添加了 Ethercat。这允许 RMC200 访问使用 Ethercat 作为接口的许多液压阀和电机以及 Ethercat I/O 模块。

Delta Motion 有很多视频。
Delta Motion

我宣布我 4 年前退休了。
我和我的商业伙伴将 Delta Motion 卖给了员工。

The problem with the digital cylinder and motor is that it has poor speed control because there is no feedback.  The motor or cylinder is given pulses, and it assumed the actual position or angle will be the proportional to the number of pulses but it isn’t because the digital cylinder and motor have only mechanical proportional control that can’t be adjusted.  There is always a phase lag which means the actual velocity will never be the same as the actual velocity when the system is accelerating like when ramping up or down or following a sine wave as in testing.

How do you know if the digital cylinder is accurate when there is no feedback.  You can only hope the digital motor or cylinder goes where you want it to go.  RMCs can use Balluff or Temponic rods with 0.1 micrometer feedback resolution.  I have shown videos doing fine control in the past. Yes, we have special algorithms that consider the natural frequency, damping factors and the fact that a hydraulic actuator is a mass between two springs unlike a motor so the algorithms must be enhanced over that of a PID used in motor.  That is what makes the RMC motion controller special.  The RMC Motion control has “auto tuning” or auto optimization that makes calculating the controller gains easy.
deltamotion.com/peter/Videos/Optimizing Gain- Chinese.mp4

It takes me only about 1 minute to optimize a hydraulic actuator.  This video takes longer because Gan is explaining everything step by step.
Notice that the RMC knows where the actuator should be and where it really is every millisecond or half millisecond.  The RMC has Ethernet connectivity so one can monitor everything in real time.  Also, recently we added Ethercat.  This allows the RMC200 to access many hydraulic valves and motors that use Ethercat as an interface well as Ethercat I/O modules.  

Delta Motion has lots of videos.
Delta Motion

About me.
I announced that I retired 4 years ago.
My business partner and I sold Delta Motion to the employees.
This is called an Employee Stock Ownership Plan.
My business partner is still running the company for now.
I try to show up at the office once a week.   
I am now a citizen of St Kitts and Nevis, but I don’t live there.
I am going to move to Panama. I have my temporary visa, but I am waiting for my permanent pensioner’s visa.


使用道具 举报

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