关于Amesim 和PLC仿真的Automation connect求救
在做Amesinm和PLC 的系统例子时,利用PLCSIM advanced和系统例子自动化连接,但在使用Automationconnect 接口时,出现错误了,系统提示设置环境变量,还要在32位下运行,求助大佬如何安装Starting the Automation Connect tool
Using the 32-bit version, in accordance with active compiling preferences...
ERROR: Automation Connect executable file could not be found.
Please check the value of the AUTOMATION_CONNECT environment variable.
It needs to be set to the full path to your Automation Connect installation.
Beware to use double quotes ("), for instance: "C:\Automation_Connect".
This installation folder should be the parent of both the "x86" and the "x64" folders
that contain either the 32-bit or the 64-bit version of Automation Connect.
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楼主,解决了吗?可否分享,有偿。287356669 可以交流一下吗?QQ2762622728 不知道楼主解决了吗,想咨询一下 Automation Connect 可以交流分享一下吗?有偿,QQ252494222